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About Me

 I am Dev Jyoti Chand, a man of many interests. I have:

Currently, I:

I am also quite interested in history and literature, and love talking about them at length. 

If you ever wish to talk, you can find me at:

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Caster of Magic for Windows School Evaluations: Nature

 Recently, Hadriex made a video  covering combinations of two magic schools in Caster of Magic for Windows(henceforth called Caster of Magic 2, or CoM 2 in short). While it was a good effort, I feel like he didn't go into as much depth as I would've liked: combining schools of magic is actually a very complex and nuanced decision, especially when deciding how many books to use from each school. The choice of retorts also complicates this, as they provide a very significant boost to the early and mid game of several wizards, if picked correctly. And, like most strategy games, the early and middle portions are some of the most significant - if your wizard takes off early and stays strong through the middle, they get a lot more territory and power, which later leads to them mobilizing strong armies more effectively. So, I've decided to take a look at the subject myself. To do this, I've decided to first look at the strengths and weaknesses of each school accurately, before

Caster of Magic For Windows School Evaluations: Sorcery

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