Star Ocean: The Second Story R Single Character Runs
I am Dev Jyoti Chand, a man of many interests. Chiefly, I like playing video games, specifically, strategy 4xes, strategy RPGs, and adventure games. My favorite games are Master of Magic, Tactics Ogre, specifically the SNES/PS1 version, and Quintessence - The Blighted Venom. I also am very interested in learning about history, especially ancient and medieval history, and am ever curious to learn more about the world. This blog is mostly a grab bag of subjects I felt strongly enough about to dedicate words upon words. Most notable among them are a series of challenge runs of the Star Ocean 2 remake, and a long form commentary on To the Moon. I am not especially proud of the latter, but I think it has some personal value as my first serious attempt at writing a literary analysis, and perhaps you might get some enjoyment out of it. I am ever eager to talk about my interests, and am very accepting of feedback, as long as it is given in good faith. If you wish to contact me, you may...
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