Bogard is a reclusive man who wishes to do nothing with anyone.
Fortunately, Luna's pendant gets his attention. Seems like it was a heirloom passed by the leading lady of the last revolution against the former evil empire. I dunno how much time has passed since, but this setting's kinda screwed if defeating one evil empire only leads to it getting replaced by another one within the span of a generation.
Bogard decides to help us and gives us his mattocks, which break the rocks blocking us in the eastern cave. He also directs us to Wendel, and specifically to Cibba, who knows more about this whole Mana business. But he doesn't join us, presumably because of his age.
Questionable routing aside, the cave is fairly small and routine, and is easily passed once the rocks blocking passage are broken.
On our way to Wendel, we run into this curious shopkeeper in the middle of the wilderness. He loudly advertises his axe, and while it's a bit pricey, I am fairly close to raising enough money for it anyway. So I do so by selling two cure potions, and pick it up.
Aside from raising Revi's attack by 4 points, the axe also covers a wider arc and looks quite a bit cooler. I don't regret my purchase at all.
The party comes across this odd castle too.
Apparently it's an inn of some sort, with exactly two rooms available. The current guests talk about a magical mirror that can reveal people's true nature, which was apparently thrown by the inn's owner in a cave somewhere. They also mention a lizardmen's nest southward, whose denizens apparently own the key to open the Marsh Cave, which may or may not be the cave the inn's owner visited. Throughout all of this, extremely creepy music plays, and that, combined with the fact that my character can't use MP and essentially has infinite HP, dissuades me from staying.
We head southward, but see no lizardmen. Bummer.
We do see the locked cave eastwards. Which begs the question, why do the lizardmen lock it? What purpose does it solve? Is it somehow holding a forbidden power of some sort?
Left with no choice, we sleep in the creepy castle inn. Luna teaches Revi the Cure spell him a book. Yes, seriously.
And, sure enough, Luna is abducted that very night! Strange that they didn't abduct Revi. I would say the proprietor is clearly only interested in women, but I'm not sure that's even the case; the white mage next room over is still fine. Maybe he's just interested in her pendant.
Regardless, some rescuing is in time!
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