So I got through Chapter 1 of Tactics Ogre: Reborn today. It was fine. Arguably good, even. Let's get the negatives out of the way first. I was personally disappointed to see the combat being heavily skill based again. There was a certain simplistic charm to the combat of the original, and while I get why they added skills to make it seem more appealing to a modern audience(who likely have experienced Final Fantasy Tactics and thus have their expectations shaped by it), it does take away from it. This version also uses the pseudo Shakespearian, theatrical script of the PSP version, with some mild edits. I'm personally not a big fan of it, I like purple prose but sprinkling it everywhere just makes the dialogue feel a lot less natural and thus a lot less emotional than the original. I also felt like most fights were too easy. Now, granted, this is the very first chapter of the game, it's supposed to ease players into it, and even in the original these weren't hard battle...