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Showing posts from April, 2024

Caster of Magic for Windows School Evaluations: Life

 We now move away from the "natural" elements and into the realm of divine and deathly duality. We're first covering the more lawful/"divine" side of it, the school of Life. LIFE Life is the realm of the divine. It expresses its themes through spells that "bless" their targets and either directly make them stronger, or protect them from deathly effects, usually from the Chaos and Death realms. It also has spells to similarly "bless" cities and either make them more defensible, or improve their economy. And, to top it all off, it has a bevy of appropriately "divine" summons. But its clearest focus is on its buffs, and as such, most of this list is made up of them. Thus, it is much more dependant on regular units than other realms, and picking the right race matters far more while playing this school. Common Tier 1. Bless: Cost: 7(in combat)/35 MP Effect: Grants 5 defense and 5 resistance against Chaos and Death spells, fire/lightning...