The shop at Trann Dome yielded Black Vests and Mid Tonics, which were both welcome. Black Vests would be especially useful for 2300 AD, thanks to all the laser attacks the team would be facing(yes, they are all Shadow element. No, don't ask me why). I also picked up the Megablast, it was actually a strong attack upgrade for Lucca and would let her remain relevant in fights without consuming MP. Proto Dome had Robo, who was a great find. Frog was immediately dismissed; Robo would be a much better attacker with the MegatonArm, and he also had some strong dual techs with Lucca and Ayla. Things got scary for a moment when I ran into the four Bugger encounter at low HP, but two Cat Attacks, a Laser Spin and a Fire spell put the situation firmly under control. The next stop was Arris Dome, and the whole team donned Black Vests before entering. The store had Memory Caps, which were technically better helms, but a bit too pricey. They protected against Lock, the CT version of Mute. Lo...